Monday, July 28, 2008

No go for JulNo

Okay. I've given up on JulNoWriMo, because after my friends left, I've been doing one thing after another. So instead, I'll make it up in AugNoWriMo. Until then, I'm going to finish things up (like cleaning and reorganizing my room) and then I'll crack down and write.

In other news, Kokoro, my other starling, is coughing now, so I'm trying to figure out what to do with her. The others are doing good. My luck at fishing this year has sucked, but hopefully that will change on the 30th.
I'll still post my word count number at the end of July. I'm not promising big numbers since I've only written for a few minutes at a time this month. But I'll give you guys numbers none the less.

From your struggling fantasy writer,

Over and out.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Supposed to be at WHAT--?

14,516 words by midnight tonight. That's where I'm supposed to be. And I think I only have around 500, maybe. Give or take a few hundred. Like I said before, I have two friend staying with me and I've been having too much fun with them here. So I'll continue to write when I can in my notebook and transfer it onto the computer later and then finish writing the rest there after my friends leave. I'm determind to reach 50,000 by the end of July, so I'll probably post a lot during sleepless nights and early mornings while drowning myself in coffee and hopefully bagels if I can get my hands on them.

From the land of a slowly but surely growing word count,

- Britt

Friday, July 4, 2008

50,000 words? No problem.

Or so I thought. *sigh* Oh well. It's July, which means JulNoWriMo, which I thought was going to be a piece of cake, but so far I've only have a little over 100 words written. --



... And I also have some guest over, who so lovingly put that in. But all is well. I'm having fun and I hope they are too. I'll write when I can and after they leave I'll just try to catch up with many sleepless nights and early mornings, but for the moment I have a fourth of July cook-out to attend.
One more thing, I figured I should mention that Tiffin isn't coughing anymore and his foot is completely healed now.

I hope everyone's having a great fourth of July!