Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back and Better than Ever

Hello all.

I'm back now after my hard drive decided to kill itself. Luckily, the man we took my computer to transferred my story and everything over to my new hardrive and gave me a better hardrive than my first one.
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to reach my word count goal because of this accident, but at least I didn't lose everything I had.
I figured I would give you all a quick post (I don't think I have many readers currently, but it can't hurt to talk to people that aren't there. I do it all the time anyway.) and let you all know what was going on.
My one baby starling, Tiffin, is coughing so he'll be going into the vets on Monday, if they have any openings then. If not, I'll be scheduling an appointment ASAP. The poor guy also injured his foot by testing the flying squirrel, Nutmeg's, patients. She bit him, and he's feeling the soreness today judging by the way he's limping around. I'm keeping the wound clean the best I can, but I'll have the vet check that too while we're there.
Also my friends will be coming up in about a week and a half, so I'll be busy getting the house ready for them, but for now we're trying to get ready to head out the door to spend Father's Day together with my Dad.

So, I'll keep you all updated, but for now...

See you later.

- Britt

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Six Hours Complete

Hello all. I was challenged by a writing group I'm in (MAD Challenge, you might be familiar with it) to write for six hours. I worked for six hours this morning. I woke up at six AM and worked until 12:30 PM (I started at 6:30 AM). I almost did it straight except I had to get coffe, a slice of cake for breakfast, and feed the baby starlings ever hour. I wrote 13 pages (the total is 14 but I wrote the first one last night) and my word count is 5,083 (not counting the 508 words that I wrote last night).

So here's my word count so far:

5,591 / 10,000

Not a bad start at all. It's only Thursday and I've already got over half of my goal. I'm feeling really proud of myself right now. Getting up to write at six AM wasn't bad either. I might get into the habit of doing that. I got a lot done today and it's not even over yet. I am, however, having a sugar crash.

Hoping I don't crash too hard,


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This Week's Challenge

Hello, all.

I've decided to give myself a challenge to write. I left it nice and easy, since this month is going to be chaotic for me considering I'm caring for two baby starlings that aren't weaned yet, have to get the house in tip-top shape for when my friends Matt and Evan get here to stay for three weeks, and today is my Father's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!) and I plan to help my sister make cake for today.
This will be my writing challenge.

508 / 10,000

10,000 words by the end of this weekend. Nothing too hard, right? Right. So 10,000 words by this weekend is the challenge. Let's see if I can do it. I'll update on my daily word counts, starting tonight with today's word count on that little meter. Keep an eye on it. I'll have it to 10,000 words by this weekend!

Easy writing~!
- Britt

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Introducing the Writer

Hello all.

My name is Britt and I'm currently working towards my dream of having a career as a professional writer. I am trying to finish my current project. A novel I started outlining back in late October, that was originally supposed to be a short story for a friend and ended up becoming a full blown novel during November for NaNoWriMo '07. I'm still writing this story for her, but now I'm writing it for my other friends as well as myself, but when I think back to when Luna Caelum Solum, or LCS, was merely an idea in my mind, I always remember that she's the one that inspired me.
Anyway, it's hard for me to find time to write, but I manage. I somehow manage to precariously balance my 'job' and family life. Between two sisters, 16 and 11, and a brother, almost 13, plus my Mom and Dad and two dogs, four cats, a zebra finch, three European starlings I raised, and a flying squirrel I raised as well, I think it's pretty understandable that writing can be difficult for me at times. Luckily, I have a supportive family and friends that cheers me on and understand.
I began writing when I was young. I still have a few of the notes from the stories I wrote back then lying around. My Mother is the reason I began writing. She wanted to be a writer, but never acomplished her goal. She has a few poems published. Poems I'll post here eventually... But I continue to write for myself. Another reason I'm still writing today and haven't given up in the years until now is because of a friend of mine. She writes fantastic stories, and I love her stories to death and look up to her a writer. So I have her and my love of writing to thank.
I love writing. I could sit all day in front of the computer with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, and a bagel or bowl of ramen or something of the like, and just write away. I'm positive that this is the path I want to pursue... and I'll reach it someday soon, even if it drives me even more insane than I already am.

From the land of fantasy writing,

- Britt