Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Count Down to NaNo!

Well, here I am. I'm eighteen now (turned eighteen on the seventeenth) and NaNo is just around the corner along with Halloween. Actually, Halloween first, then NaNoWriMo.
I know I am an idiot for doing this and proving only yet again that I am insane and a glutton for punishment, but I am going to attempt to do a double novel this year. This year has been a bit too easy for me in having challenges set for myself, so I think I will take a dive off the deep end and throw myself into the pit and attempt to write two novels for NaNoWriMo. That fifty-thousand each. For those of you who can't quite grasp how many zeros that is... It's 50,000. Times two. 100,000.
I believe that I can do it. I also think that I need something to fall back on since Luna, for some reason, is wanting to be difficult this year. Perhaps I feel that it's not quite my plot anymore... I don't know. I'll make it mine again. I swear, but this second novel is there to push me to do so and help me along. Only a select few will know the plot of this novel. As of currently, not counting me, only two people know the plot and one only knows the vague basic point of the plot.
For the rest of you, you all will learn the plot during some point in November. I've always been open with my novel plots and my progress. This one will remain mine and secret. If I want to update or speak about it, then I will, but unless I decide to do so, you will not know. You will get a synopsis and excerpt and (hopefully) a title during November if you pay attention to my NaNoWriMo account (Dragon_Master, for those of you that don't know), but other than that, the rest of it is mine to keep until it is finished.

This year I plan to keep out all subplots from LCS. Last year it drowned in them. I won't repeat that same mistake. I know what I'm in for in NaNo now. I will win. I will. I won't promise that I will reach 100,000 words, but I sure as hell will try. 50 K doesn't scare me anymore. 100 K does. I need a good scare this year. I need a good challenge. LCS will end up being my secondary project this year. I will update the word count and such, but the main attraction that will be my NaNo novel will be this currently untitled story I am writing.
Like I said, I have to take LCS back from the dark pit that it is in. I need to make it feel like mine again. I have a feeling it won't be easy and I suppose I'm hoping this new novel will help me feel better and keep me moving along whilst I tug and pull and drag LCS back out of that dark abyss before I finally get frustrated and give up on it.
I can't give up on LCS. I've spent too much time and energy making it what it is. I refuse to let that go to waste.
So the reasons that I am writing two novels this year:

  • I have to reclaim LCS as mine in order to continue writing it and make it something good.
  • I'm trying a new tactic and seeing if keeping my progress as vague as possible, and keeping people not so filled in on a new novel will make it easier for me to continue to write. This eliminates others opinions and such to my plot.
  • I'm insane.
  • If I get frustrated with LCS I can fall back and work on my currently untitled novel before I decide to give up on LCS because of stress and frustration.
  • Did I mention that I'm a crazy bitch and decided I need an insane challenge before this year end?
  • 50,000 = not scary anymore. 100,000 = very scary now.

Well, there you have it. That's more or less it. I will also say once again that I am insane.

Friday, October 10, 2008


That's right. Why? Well, of course, because it's October. My birthday's in a week. My Mother's birthday is a week after that and then a week after that is Halloween and a friend's birthday (I know. Pretty cool to be born on Halloween, right?) and then after that is NaNoWriMo!
NaNo has me really excited. I know what I'm in for this year and last year was my first NaNo, so I felt a little in over my head and ended up ruining LCS with subplots. This year, that mess of subplots is going out the window and I'm redoing it all.
I'm collecting all my notes and today I will be cleaning the kitchen up (my domain) and getting my room all inhabitable again, which means I have to steal it back from my birds. That will be interesting...
Yesterday I spent most of the day outlining what I want and need each chapter to contain. Today, that all went down the drain. I brought my notebook with me and left it in the animal kitchen so I could stop in to write a note or two and then go back to caring for the animals. Well, I picked up my notebook to leave and I noticed a big green ink smear across the pages. I looked and, stupid me who decided to use my good green pen to write everything with, the words were gone. Washed across the pages into a big green smear.
So I told the lady who organizes all the volunteer stuff, because I always chat with her a little before I hit the road after I'm done, and she gave me a spiffy cover with a small notebook inside! It'll protect the notebook from future water attacks and even has a spot for my pen! I was all excited and she explained that she got them for the volunteers (like me) and I just got mine early since it sounded like I needed it. I am now eternally grateful.
So now, in between cleaning the kitchen and my room, I'll be trying to re-outline all my chapters in my new spiffy notebook. With my friend Naoko gone all day today, and my friend Matt being sick and sleeping away, I've got nothing better to do, so I'm off to get started~

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Woo hoo! It's October! Normally I'm not happy about colder weather, but October is my month. My birthday's on the seventeenth and Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. Maybe I'll start a story to work on during this month and whenever I feel like getting back into the October spirit once it's gone and pass.
I am definitely a Halloween child. This is my month. Welcome to it. I'm off to do my chores, take a shower and then try to get some decorations up~!
Hope you all have a fantastic October~!