Saturday, November 29, 2008

I can haz sleepeh time now?

I won. 50,052 words officially. My word document thingy says 50,125.

I'm going to the bookstore tonight and then I am crashing. I have to try and write 4,000 more words tomorrow to beat my old record of 53,000.

G' night.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Excerpt for True Faerie Tales - Changeling Enigma

A synopsis and excerpt to my NaNo novel can be found here. I had originally posted an excerpt here, but text thieves worry me, and on the NaNo site, everything is copy-righted to the original authors, so I feel a little safer. I hope you all decide to read it and let me know what you think via comments!
Also, my wordcount is now 31,519.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Goal reached!

Just thought I would say really quick that the 25,000 that I wanted to reach was obtained last night around 1:30 in the morning. I have my coffee now and also I'm going to grab some breakfast.

Thanks to everyone who cheered me on! My goal for tonight is at least 27,000.
2,000 new words shouldn't prove to be too difficult. Also, I will start considering what to post as an excerpt, so you all can expect one soon!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is it just me...?

Or does everybody's characters never seem to want to get serious until it's an hour or two before you're ready to go to bed? I'm ready to kill them all off in my story. They do it just to spite me, I swear.
I have to write about 3,000 more words to reach the 25,000 word goal I set for myself. If I reach this goal then I'm all caught up. I guess I'll be getting some coffee, preparing the ice packs and writing away for the next hour.

I can do an average of 500 words in fifteen minutes. That's 1,000 words in a half hour. I think I can do it.

Coffee comes first, though.

Edit... Forget the coffee.

Friday, November 14, 2008

20,000 and counting

I've reached 20,000 words after staying up until 1:30 AM. Then I got up at 7:00 AM and went to work. I'm tired now. I don't feel like writing for today, but I'm going to try anyway.

The next goal is 30,000 words by Wednesday.

I'm going for it, but tonight is just going to be a lazy night with little words and much laziness. I will probably get a cup of coffee, if I can shake off the laziness long enough.
That sounds like a decent plan, actually. Get a cup of coffee, force about a thousand more words out of my tired hands and my tired mind, and then go to bed. Thus is the life of a writer, correct?

... What's sad is that I love every bit of this.

Quick edit... I just wanted to post my word goal in here for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will hit that blessed halfway point. I am aiming for 25,000 words. I'm at 21,000 now.
... As I said, I sadly love every bit of this insane chaos that is a writer's life.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

On the First Night of NaNo...

My character said to me~ I hate this kitty~

If you don't get it then you haven't read my novel synopsis yet. It's the first day of NaNoWriMo and my word count is 2073, I'm getting ready to head off to bed and this is what I've managed so far.

  • Hit 2073 words, 2000 being the least amount of words I wanted to reach.
  • Came up with a title for my book.
  • Came up with a title for the series that it will (hopefully) belong to.
  • Put up my synopsis of my novel on my NaNo page, along with the title.
  • End up beat in the first day word count by my friend, Naoko.

I admit, she deserves her victory, though. And a muffin. And perhaps a echidna (I think that's the correct spelling...) but no hard lemonades. *wicked grin* She knows what I'm talking about, even if the rest of you are clueless. So I think I did good for my first day of NaNo. I'll hit 50,000 at least. At most, I'll be going for that 100,000 I want. I'm going to bed for now. More writing I have to do tomorrow morning before I have to clean the kitchen and help clean out my Mawmaw's basement before I write more and begin to put my poor main character through hell. That's when the things my character says will become interesting...

Good night all!
From the land of NaNo and caffeinated writers,
