Friday, October 10, 2008


That's right. Why? Well, of course, because it's October. My birthday's in a week. My Mother's birthday is a week after that and then a week after that is Halloween and a friend's birthday (I know. Pretty cool to be born on Halloween, right?) and then after that is NaNoWriMo!
NaNo has me really excited. I know what I'm in for this year and last year was my first NaNo, so I felt a little in over my head and ended up ruining LCS with subplots. This year, that mess of subplots is going out the window and I'm redoing it all.
I'm collecting all my notes and today I will be cleaning the kitchen up (my domain) and getting my room all inhabitable again, which means I have to steal it back from my birds. That will be interesting...
Yesterday I spent most of the day outlining what I want and need each chapter to contain. Today, that all went down the drain. I brought my notebook with me and left it in the animal kitchen so I could stop in to write a note or two and then go back to caring for the animals. Well, I picked up my notebook to leave and I noticed a big green ink smear across the pages. I looked and, stupid me who decided to use my good green pen to write everything with, the words were gone. Washed across the pages into a big green smear.
So I told the lady who organizes all the volunteer stuff, because I always chat with her a little before I hit the road after I'm done, and she gave me a spiffy cover with a small notebook inside! It'll protect the notebook from future water attacks and even has a spot for my pen! I was all excited and she explained that she got them for the volunteers (like me) and I just got mine early since it sounded like I needed it. I am now eternally grateful.
So now, in between cleaning the kitchen and my room, I'll be trying to re-outline all my chapters in my new spiffy notebook. With my friend Naoko gone all day today, and my friend Matt being sick and sleeping away, I've got nothing better to do, so I'm off to get started~

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