Thursday, September 4, 2008

AugNo Update

Okay, so here's my word count total for AugNo... Er... Let me find it first. *digs through her internet history to find the site* .....
... 10,562 out of 50,000.

Not bad, considering all the crap that happened this month. My sick starling, Kokoro ended up passing away, and then Maxie, my sister/father's dog got sick (though she's FINALLY doing better now, thank the Lord and Lady), and I started my new job as well.
I love my job, though. I take care of foxes, a mink, owls and hawks, and even a bald eagle... Snakes of all sorts, skunks, deer, and other animals. It's fantastic.
Speaking of work, I have to go in tomorrow so I'm going to be heading off to bed soon. I'll post an excerpt of my AugNo novel tomorrow at some point, but I figured I would update here before I went off to bed.

G' night from the land of struggling word counts and sugar cravings,

- Britt

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