Saturday, September 20, 2008

Blog Stories~

That's right! I've added two blog stories. One is heavily based off of my job and anything interesting in my life, with a little bit of fantasy added to it, while the other is just a fantasy from a young prince's view on life as he works to become a knight and, eventually, a king. You can find them both under my profile. Monochrome Shadows is the first one, while Dark Raven Tales is the second. I personally like Dark Raven Tales more, but that's just me and my love for drowning things in fantasy and not giving reality a chance to show its ugly self, hehe.

1 comment:

Evan Arnold said...

*cough cough* Remember me? Well, I finally got bored enough to follow your lead. I just hope this game of hopscotch doesn't go over a ledge. ^^

With much love,

Your brother.


Check your deviant art account. I sent you a message.