Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is it just me...?

Or does everybody's characters never seem to want to get serious until it's an hour or two before you're ready to go to bed? I'm ready to kill them all off in my story. They do it just to spite me, I swear.
I have to write about 3,000 more words to reach the 25,000 word goal I set for myself. If I reach this goal then I'm all caught up. I guess I'll be getting some coffee, preparing the ice packs and writing away for the next hour.

I can do an average of 500 words in fifteen minutes. That's 1,000 words in a half hour. I think I can do it.

Coffee comes first, though.

Edit... Forget the coffee.


Stop by for a Spell said...

We are rooting for you...What's in a word after all?

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Having people cheer me on always means a lot. It also makes me more determined to reach my goal.