Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back and Better than Ever

Hello all.

I'm back now after my hard drive decided to kill itself. Luckily, the man we took my computer to transferred my story and everything over to my new hardrive and gave me a better hardrive than my first one.
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to reach my word count goal because of this accident, but at least I didn't lose everything I had.
I figured I would give you all a quick post (I don't think I have many readers currently, but it can't hurt to talk to people that aren't there. I do it all the time anyway.) and let you all know what was going on.
My one baby starling, Tiffin, is coughing so he'll be going into the vets on Monday, if they have any openings then. If not, I'll be scheduling an appointment ASAP. The poor guy also injured his foot by testing the flying squirrel, Nutmeg's, patients. She bit him, and he's feeling the soreness today judging by the way he's limping around. I'm keeping the wound clean the best I can, but I'll have the vet check that too while we're there.
Also my friends will be coming up in about a week and a half, so I'll be busy getting the house ready for them, but for now we're trying to get ready to head out the door to spend Father's Day together with my Dad.

So, I'll keep you all updated, but for now...

See you later.

- Britt

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